Get The Right Solution

For your Business With Smart HR!

IT Hub believes companies can achieve business goals through investing in employees.
IT Expertise for your Business

Smart HR System

IT Hub believes companies can achieve business goals through investing in employees. Using smart and superior solutions, we’re capable of customizing our approach to your business’s unique needs, ensuring you get your employees full potential.

By focusing on streamlining your HR processes and simplifying your employee data, you can access valuable information in a seamless and unified way with our technology forward solution. The result is that your HR processes are more aligned with your business goals.

We’re Your IT Partner

Our Feature of Smart HR Software

Our goal is to provide each of our customers with a unique HR solution that is business driven, and people focused

Best Employees management Functionality

We developed the multi function of job management like candidate list, schedule timing, interview question, offer approval and result... For Employees management also have functionality such as employee list, leave management, attendance management, holiday, departments, timesheet, shift & schedule, overtime and resignation.

Accounting and Payroll Management

We have developed the multi module of accounting and payroll management. We have Categories, Budgets, Budget expenses and revenues, Employee salary, Payslip and Payroll Item.

Use Smart APPs to track your Employee attendance

Easy tracking your employee attendance with using mobile app that have multi module can chat messages, Email, Notification, Clock in and Clock out, Calendar, Contacts, Call, Employee leave management, File management.

Asset Management with Smart HR

Reduce paper work with Asset management module that make you easy to manage asset that provided to employee during work time. You manage admin asset, IT asset and also Inventory controlling.

Resignation and Termination Management

This software can make you Satisfied with beautiful module. You can design Resignation type and recode employees resignation list and you can configure Termination term and Termination list as well.

Best Daily, Monthly and Yearly Reports

We go through detailed analysis of our clients’ needs and business models in order to develop best experience project. We have Expenses report, Invoice report, Payment report, Project report, User report, Employees report, Payslip report, Attendance report, Leave report and daily report.

Get back to doing your job
and leave IT to us.

24/7 IT Support

Our experts provide IT support Globally 8h/6day, 365 days a year.

Super fast service

Our team respond to your IT issues within just 10-15 minutes.

IT expertise

Our team are trained and certified to provide reliable, expert IT support.

Why choose us

IT Support And Your Success Is Our Passion

Operational Excellence

Company provide outstanding service through teamwork, accountability and innovation of which is reflected.

Continuous Improvement

Teamwork, experience, accountability and innovation – all of which is reflected in the quality of our results.

Innovative Solutions

Company provide outstanding service through teamwork, accountability and innovation of which is reflected.

Get in touch and discover how we can help.

Arrange a IT Team! Call Now : +855 96 313 5555
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